“My Sneaker Story” Infographic Blog by Cameron Goodwin

Trying to tell my story was a tough task. I tried to think about what made me me. A few thoughts came to mind at first. My sports story. My college story. My head trauma story. None of those really stuck out to me the way I wanted them to. I dug deeper. My future career struck me. I am majoring in Fashion Media and Marketing. I hope to work in the footwear industry in the Boston area. Sneakers have always been a really important part of my life. I have been collecting sneakers since I was young and have not stopped. Shoes have brought me friends and experiences one could only dream of. With all that in mind, I chose “My Sneaker Story” for my infographic project.
When it came to inspiration, I wanted to look back at what sneakers meant to me in the early days. It all started with basketball. Basketball has always been a part of my life. I played year-round for most of my life. Basketball and sneakers go hand and hand. An idea I tried using was to incorporate a chain basketball hoop into the infographic. After playing around with location and usefulness, I found that it really didn't work well with the rest of the design I had in mind.

Michael Jordan was the first big name player I was introduced to. As many of us know he has probably the most successful professional athlete signature sneaker line. I remember the first Jordan I bought. It was a pair of Air Jordan Retro 1 “Shadow”. I wanted to make that my main focus and shape for my infographic. So that is what I did. I tried a few different sizes and designs and after many tries chose my favorite one.

Story Script:
The script was one of the most fun parts of the project. I had to look back at all the influential moments sneakers have had on me and made my story what it is. The hard part was narrowing all of my experiences to just eleven. I tried to make it so that the viewer could see the beginning of my journey to the current day. I feel I did that well. Some of the experiences that made it to the final project was where I got my love of sneakers, how I afforded my collection, and how many pairs I have owned over the years.

Color Choice:
The color scheme was also a challenging task. I wanted something that many people would understand being associated with shoes and had a meaning to me. I chose red, black, and white for my three color choices. Personally, it felt right for me because red was always my favorite color growing up. I loved owning shoes that were red or had red accents. Air Jordan’s always had red in them, even if it was just a small detail. Michael Jordan played most of his career with the Chicago Bulls, whose main colors were red, black, and white. I thought this would come full circle for many viewers when looking at the shoe and color theme. They matched. This wasn't my only color idea, though. I also looked at adding purple into the design. I thought aesthetically it would work. A warm and cool color combination. That was not the case. It looked awkward and incomplete. All red with white accents was also an idea but it also looked incomplete.

Story Text Placement:
The placement of my script was one of the easier tasks. The paneling of the shoe allowed for each of the eleven parts of my story to fit perfectly. Figuring out what parts went where was the difficult part. I wanted it to flow for the viewer. Since the panels were not in a straight line, I added numbers to make it easier to see where to go next. I loved how they came out.

Font Choice:
The font was something I played around with quite a bit. I wanted the numbers and text to differ significantly, but still work cohesively. For the text I went with a more classic font, Bodoni 72 Old-style. For the numbers I went with a blockier style, reminiscent of a basketball jersey, Copperplate.
What I Learned/New Functions:
For this project I chose to use Procreate as my main digital design tool. I was fairly familiar with it before the project. Throughout the project though I was able to learn how to use custom colors. I found this helpful when making the red I chose to use. I also was able to learn how to alter text so that it doesn't have to be straight horizontally.
What I Can do Better/May Change:
After completing my infographic there were a few things I think I could change. First is the size of a couple of the panels and texts. They are a little small unless up close to the infographic. I should alter this for the future. I also think I could have made the numbers bigger to stand out more to help with the flow. Although I added a background circle of color for this reason, making the actual number larger would increase visibility even more.
What I Researched:
Research was a key component of this project. To start off I researched what an infographic was and how to create one to tell a story. I also had to research inspiration photos for the basis of my sneaker and colors. I wanted the shoe and colors to match the Air Jordan 1 as closely as possible.
My Overall Thoughts:
Looking back at my final project I am very proud of what I created and the story I was able to tell. With a short deadline I was able to completely finish my infographic and tell my sneaker story. The infographic was fun to create and design. The story may have been even better to create and share.
When others are viewing this infographic there are a few things I hope to receive for feedback. First off, I want to know if they understood the story. Did it flow for them? Could they understand the story lines? I also want to know if the color and font choices worked for them. I also would love to know if this story connected with them or helped them in any way figure out a story they may have to share.
Culture Jamming Blog - Group Project 1

We were assigned a group project. Our task was to produce a piece of visual media, hijacking a company's voice and aesthetic. We were given three options for companies. We chose Nestle.
To start we researched the company’s website to get an idea about what they stand for and do. This showed us that they are a company who is a food and beverage processor based in Switzerland. We noticed that they present themselves as a company who is sustainable, has good labor practices, quality products, and prides themselves in their diversity and inclusion.
For this project we misunderstood the instructions. We thought we had to do our own research about what they do to harm a specific demographic. We did not know that we were supposed to review a specific video the professor posted.
When it came to our research about how they are harmful, we found that Nestle still does business with Russia. We found that this is harmful to both Ukraine and the U.S. due to the recent invasion and war. For a company who is so determined to have a good look and cares so much about others and the environment this seems to go against that. We also found that Nestle wants to hide this information from the public and are doing their best to do so.
Group Communication
For this project group communication was a challenging task. We spoke briefly at the end of class a week prior to the due date and that was all we were able to communicate in person. This was due to not having class, when we were going to speak in person again. Although we came into this issue we resorted to email. It was not as easy as in person but worked well for us. We constantly were able to give ideas, talk about the project, and allow for criticism from one another.
Project Theme / Story
With the information about Nestle and Russia, we wanted to key in on this for our piece of visual media for our culture jamming. We felt this is an issue that many people don't know about and should be aware of.
As a group we thought about what we wanted to do and threw around some ideas. The one that stuck with us was incorporating Vladimir Putin, the president of Russia. We felt he would be very recognizable and easy to understand that the piece is about Russia.
Since we wanted to focus on Russia, we associated them as the enemy, since many people do on their own.
“Breakfast is better with the enemy”, is the text we came up with and decided to use for our design. We thought this was clever since it associated breakfast, something Nestle is known for and Russia, since they are associated as the enemy.
We wanted to stay with Nestle’s aesthetic. To do so we looked at one of their most recognizable products, their Nesquik milk. For this product the main colors are yellow and brown. We wanted to stay with these main colors in our design. We also looked at their iconic milk drip and incorporated that into the design as well. Both of these make it easy for viewers to associate this piece with Nestle. The font was also a priority to us. Their website uses very bland and simple text. We stayed with this for our creative saying. To stay with the brand identity, we stayed with the Nesquik blue color they use.
Target Audience
For this graphic our intention is to show consumers of Nestle the wrongdoing Nestle is still participating in. Consumers deserve to know this, and we feel this graphic depicts it perfectly.
Overall, I felt as a group we designed and produced a very well-done piece of media that shows the negative side of Nestle. This was a challenging project to do due to the limited details and misunderstanding at the beginning. I feel as a group we were able to overcome that and succeed.
When it comes to feedback there are a few things I hope to receive. A main piece of feedback is if the viewers feel the brand identity is still there in our design. I also hope to know how this makes them feel. What were their initial thoughts? Did they know about Nestle and Russia? All of these are important to know when it comes to the feedback.
Dorm to Disc Blog - Exercise 1
Link to video: Dorm to Disc - YouTube
Our assignment for this week was Exercise 1. The task was to create a 30 second montage using videos, photos, and titles, showing a journey. We were also tasked to expand in on our creation skills through new software, transitions, effects, etc.
To start my idea process I did a field scan. Due to what I watch I was mostly shown day in the lifes, short interviews, and trivia challenges. My algorithm also showed me overlanding trips, camping trips, part installs, and disc golf since those are frequent categories I watch in my freetime.
The journey was one of the hardest tasks. The entire video was based upon this. I had a few ideas I thought could work. My first idea was a day in the life. I was thinking this could have been about myself or a friend's journey through their day. Ultimately, I felt this would have been too long to fit in a thirty second timeframe. My second idea was to show my journey playing disc golf. I would show my journey from my dormroom to the end of the first hole at a disc golf course. I ended up picking this as my journey for the video. This would become “Dorm to Disc”. I felt this would fit the timeframe and be entertaining. My last idea was an install on my Jeep. I felt this may not have been enough of a journey for the desired video.
To produce this video, I needed to sort out some logistics first. I decided to use my phone, the iPhone 14 Pro Max, to film on. I felt the quality would be good and easy to film on since I do not have a personal camera. I also needed to figure out my organization for the clips. I decided to create a folder in my phone to store the clips in. The iPhone organizes the clips from oldest to newest within the folder, so it made it easy to know where the clips were and where they were intended to be placed in the story line.
For the production of this video, I was left to film for myself. I asked a few of my friends but no one was available to film for me. I do feel this would have increased the quality of the shots. Although I was tasked to film everything myself, the use of a tripod helped. By filming everything myself I was also able to expand on the different shot types, which was one of my goals.
For the scenes themselves I preplanned what I wanted to film. I thought of at least twenty shot ideas that I could incorporate so I would have enough footage. Some of the key features in the video I wanted to show were my bag and discs, packing, my walk/drive to the course, the course, my throws, and the disc in the chains. I wanted the climax to happen at the end since the video was so short. I produced this by having the disc rattle the chains in the basket. I thought it was the perfect ending. I felt being in the dorm to start was a great way to show the beginning. For the middle I used the audio to show it was the middle of the video. I used the original audio of the Jeep door opening and closing to signify the beginning and end of the middle of the video.
I was able to stick with my outline for the most part but some parts I switched around or altered during the editing process. In class we created a storyboard. This helped significantly with my final editing process.

For the exercise I had three main goals I wanted to work towards. My first goal was to learn and use new shot types. We went over many shots in class. I wanted to try out some. I felt I was able to do this in my filming. I had a challenge with some shots due to being by myself but with what I had I think it came out good. My second goal was to develop a storyline that can be shown in thirty seconds. I feel I did complete this goal. I was able to hit the exact thirty second mark and tell the story of myself from my dorm room to the disc golf course. My last goal was to expand my editing knowledge and transition usage. At first, I wanted to use Premiere Pro. I had a hard time getting my video files from my phone to the desktop. Due to this I chose to use iMovie. I could have used Instagram or TikTok but thought iMovie would offer the most opportunity for editing knowledge. I had a small idea how to use iMovie but definitely learned much more in my editing for this video. I learned how to edit and change my text color, font type, and placement. I learned how to use the lower thirds as well. I was very excited about that. IMovie also allowed me to use new transitions such as dissolve. I would say the hardest part was using iMovie to cut on action. I really wanted to incorporate multiple shots on actions in my video. I was able to produce three in my video. Overall, I feel I completed these three goals I set myself up to achieve through the process of this exercise.
For this exercise I felt the video was specific to the viewers. People who play or watch disc golf will enjoy this. I also felt that it could be a good way to introduce disc gold to others who may not have ever been exposed to this sport. Viewers may also be people who enjoy the outdoors or sports in general. When it comes to this blog, I feel the audience are people who enjoy the video production of sports and disc golf specifically.

Overall, I felt this exercise went very well. I was able to achieve my story of a journey. My goals were also achieved by the end of this exercise. When it comes to what went good and bad, they went hand and hand. I feel the first thing was the story itself. Deciding what I wanted to do for the journey was difficult, but I felt once I picked it out, I was able to successfully tell it within the thirty second timeframe. The editing was also something that was challenging at first, due to the transfer of video clips, but went well after I decided to use iMovie. I was able to achieve different text, transitions, and clip cutting. Lastly, I felt the film process was difficult due to filming for myself. I also had a challenge when my tripod broke halfway through the video. I had to use my bag and rocks to hold up my camera for some of my clips. Although that was a challenge, I successfully filmed different angles and styles, a huge goal of mine. I also feel that the variety in my clips makes the video more fun to watch.
I was able to learn quite a bit through this exercise. The first thing was how to storyboard. This was something I had never been exposed to. It significantly helped with how I finalized the order of my clips. I learned how to edit on a new platform. iMovie was a platform I was pretty unfamiliar with as of recently. I was able to learn new transitions and text options I had never used before. If I had another short video like this, I would use iMovie again but if it was a longer video, I may use a platform such as Premiere Pro, who offer more options all around. When it comes to something I may do differently is to work harder on getting someone to film for me. Having at least some clips filmed by another person would allow for more angles and better framing.
There are many things I would love to know from others who have viewed my “Dorm to Disc” video. How the journey was told is the first item I would like to know. Was it clear what was going on? Was it obvious it was about disc golf from the start? Were there parts that they felt didn't need to be there? I am also interested in how they felt the video clips were. Did the angles make sense? Were the cuts on actions well done and did they enhance the video? Are there other shot types they would have liked to see? The editing is also something I would like feedback on. Were the transitions too much? Did the music choice match the vibe of the video? Lastly, I would love to know if this was their first exposure to the sport of disc golf. It is a relatively new sport that is starting to gain more traction.
In Class Interview Assignment
Link to Video: COM327 Interview Techniques (youtube.com)
In class we were tasked with creating a short video about a student's day in the life at Lasell University in 2125. There were a few steps to complete this task. They included script writing, filming, and organization.
Script Writing
Our first and most challenging task was writing the script. We had a time crunch which put us under pressure. While writing the script we bounced ideas off of one another. We used a shared document to write everything down and then narrowed our ideas down. For the script we organized it by the number of scenes we needed to film. After this we wrote the main characters for each scene and roughly what they would say during the recording. Once we all came to an agreement on how the storyline would go we got to filming.
When it came to the filming there were many different shot types we needed to create for the documentary. Some of the shot types included, closeup, medium shot, longshot, etc. This was a challenge for some scenes. For those scenes we had to film it twice to get all the assigned angles. I personally found this part of the activity the most fun. For the filming we decided to use our personal phones to shoot on. This ended up working out well.
One of the most dire aspects of this activity was the organization of all the content. We went about this a couple different ways. For the script writing we decided to use a Google Doc and shared it with each other. We were able to write ideas and other notes in this document so everyone could see them. When it came to the filming we decided to use Google Drive. We also shared a folder with everyone else and added the recordings that each of us took on our personal devices.
This activity allowed me to learn many new skills and processes. The first skill I was introduced to was script writing. This is something I had never done before, so learning how to do it under pressure was a challenge but I feel I got the general idea of how to use script writing in the future. Another skill I learned was how to film multiple angles and shot types. I learned that you may need to film a scene twice or more to get the shots correct and make everything align. Lastly, I learned how to work with a group while filming. We had to learn how to work with one another, compromise on who was shooting what or acting, and how we were going to continue this activity outside the classroom.
The Future of the Assignment
If given more time and resources for this activity there are a couple things I may do. If more time was given, I feel the script should be beefed up. I think we could add more details and make the story really come to life. Also with more time, the filming could have been dialed in. We could have really focused on making the reshoots more crisp and more accurate to the original.
Exercise 2
Link to Soundscape: Lacrosse Practice Soundscape (youtube.com)
For this exercise we were tasked with creating an original soundscape. We were given three options for how we wanted to go about this exercise, create a 20 to 30 second soundscape of a nature walk on Mars or an imagined location, create a new soundtrack for a 20 to 30 second exterior scene from a film or tv show that you can easily download, or profile a person, location, or event using only ambient sound. I chose the third option. I decided to profile a lacrosse practice.
A couple options came to mind when thinking of what possible options I could use for original audio. My first option is an event, a lacrosse practice. My second option could be a classroom lecture. After reviewing the two subjects I feel the lacrosse practice would work better. I think there are many sounds that can be heard throughout the practice. A classroom lecture may be dull for many viewers, especially without any visuals. Ultimately, I decided to go with the lacrosse practice as my subject.
I ordered the sounds in the process of the practice from start to finish. I want the narrative to take someone through lacrosse practice. I want the listener to feel like they are at the practice. Energy and tension will be seen throughout the audio but primarily during any drills.
My target audience would be people who love the sport of lacrosse. My audience would also be the players or others associated with the team. I also feel this may be a great audio experience for anyone interested in the sport. It will show them the energy and passion within the sport of lacrosse.
Learning Goals
When it comes to my goals my first one is to create a narrative through sound. This is something I have never done and hope to learn how to. My second goal is to learn more about audio possibilities and placement of the microphone. I feel the skills, such as microphone use and creating a narrative with sound, that I learn through this exercise will help me in my career field. I feel both these skills will help when it comes to any marketing campaigns where the audio is the focus rather than a visual.
I needed many sounds for this project to come to life. A few that I incorporated were the drills, the huddle talk, player banter, and the running of the players. I feel all these sounds will bring the narrative together. To record all these sounds, I decided to use the mobile app, Voice Record.
For the recording of the sounds, I was able to be in attendance of multiple practices so I could piece them together. I tried varying my distances when I could. For example, for the drills I sat in the bleachers as if I was a spectator of the game and for the huddle talk, I was right up there with the team.
When it came to the editing, I really wanted to focus on the narrative I was trying to tell. I feel I was able to take the listener through the practice successfully. The act of editing was the hardest part of this exercise. I used the Voice Record app. It was really hard to transfer the sound files to my drive or phone itself. This made it impossible for me to edit the clips together. After a lot of time trying to get them into my drive, it just would not work. To solve this problem, I decided to re-record the recordings on another device and edit the sound clips through iMovie. After I did this, I found it didn't alter the quality of the clips. I would say the editing for this was pretty simple once I got them all into iMovie. The toughest challenge I had was editing out so much of the recordings I did so that it was close to the required time limit. This was a long process, but I feel it all came together.
This exercise was a challenging one for me. A main challenge was the recording quality. I had to record multiple practices because of wind, talking, and other outside factors I couldn't control. Another challenge I had was the editing. I found it hard to find a platform that would allow me to edit just the audio recordings. I ended up using Priemere Pro. I had a hard time finding the time and availability to go to the library and edit the clips due to illness.
I feel for next time there are a couple things I could do better. The main improvement that I could make is the audio quality. If I had a microphone of some sort, it would have been crisper and less interrupted in parts. Adding staged sound effects of the equipment could have been a nice touch to the narrative.
When it comes to my learning goals I achieved them. I was able to expand on my microphone techniques and uses. I tried different angles of the microphone and different distance placements. I also feel my narrative came out well through the use of strictly audio. You can tell the audio is taking you through a lacrosse practice.
There are a couple questions I would like feedback on. The first one is if you feel this audio made you feel like you were at the practice. I also would love to know if the varying distances I used enhanced or made the audio worse.
Project 1 Rough Cut
Link to 15 Second Video: Lando’s Life of Lax Trailer Rough Cut (youtube.com)
Link to 00:45-1:00 Minute Video: Lando’s Life of Lax Social Media Rough Cut (youtube.com)
Link to 2:30-3:00 Minute Video: Lando’s Life of Lax Short Documentary Rough Cut - YouTube
For project 1 we are being tasked to create a life story of a product, person, place, process, or idea. There are many avenues we can take with the "life story". I chose to focus on the impact lacrosse has had on Landon Reyes. I feel it brings a personal story and a great interview opportunity for this project. I wanted to incorporate an underlying message; the teachings lacrosse brings to the players. With this story idea we are being tasked to create three separate videos, a 15 second teaser for social, a 45 second to 1 minute video and caption for social media, and a 2 to 3 minute video for a blog or website.
Summary of the Story
“Lando's Life of Lax” will be my title for my project. I wanted to focus this project on the impact and experiences lacrosse has brought to one of the Lasell men's lacrosse players. I chose to focus these videos on Landon Reyes, a graduate student on the lacrosse team. I wanted to include video clips of him playing lacrosse and his equipment. An interview was conducted with the main character and will possibly happen with others if I deem they fit into the story.
The purpose of this video will be to show others that lacrosse is more than just a sport. It teaches you keys to life throughout the journey of playing the sport.
The audience this is intended for are younger lacrosse players and parents. I would love this to grow the sport of lacrosse. Another audience may be people who have never been exposed to the sport. It is a growing sport, so getting as many new viewers will be beneficial.
When it came to the filming, there were ups and downs. When it came to the challenges, the main one was scheduling the time to film. My subject was sick for over two weeks and also sustained an injury in the last game he had. Due to this I do not have all the clips I hoped for yet. Even with this problem, I was able to grab footage of the interview, him playing wall ball, and the lockers with the equipment. With these clips I was able to get a rough feel of where I felt footage would go later on and just filled it with the clips I shot already. I also had a hard time filming at first without a tripod. After getting one I was able to have multiple angles and a steady shot.
The interview was the main focus of my filming for this rough cut. I wanted to make sure I had conducted the interview so I could work around it with my other footage. For the interview we filmed it in the lacrosse locker room. Due to the curves on the lockers, it created a really cool visual effect. The lighting was also perfect I felt for the interview. It sort of has a spotlight on him. Lastly, the audio came back a lot better than I expected.
Since these videos were just the rough cut, I decided to use iMovie for the editing platform. My thought process is that if I edit it on iMovie, I can get a general outline and then transfer the footage into a different editing platform where I may have more editing tools. The editing itself went well. I was able to place the clips I had to make complete videos. I was able to find the places where different footage should be put and what types of footage I was missing in the videos. The music was also something I got to work with. I found a copyright free tune for all three of the videos and feel they work well with each one and give the vibe and energy I was hoping for.
So far, I think I am on the right path. I have a general idea of where I need to expand upon. I feel I need more footage of different activities. I also need to add my text throughout the video. That is a key focus I am going to have to work on. When it comes to the filming and editing, I am figuring out what is working and not working which is helpful. I have been fine tuning my video shooting and editing techniques.
Access is something I was worried about at the start of this project. So far it has gone good though. My subject is being very helpful and flexible with this whole process. I also haven't had a hard time accessing different locations or the equipment I have needed for the videos.
At this point in the project the feedback I am looking for is just general thoughts and ideas. I would love to know what you think about the different shot types I have used so far. The flow of the videos is also something I am hoping to get feedback on. Lastly, I would like to know if the narrative is present throughout the videos.
The Future of the Project
I am excited to continue working on this project for the next couple weeks. I want to focus on the rest of the video footage. Once Landon is healthy again, I want to shoot him doing footwear drills, shooting on the turf, and potentially him stringing a stick or putting on his equipment. For the editing, I am hoping to use Premiere Pro for the final edits. I may not be able to due to the limited access to the library in the upcoming week, but that is the goal platform. Within the editing I want to add more text and work on the audio, especially incorporating voiceover and natural sounds.
Lighting Test Reel Activity
Link to Video: Lighting Test Reel Activity (youtube.com)
During the class period we were tasked to shoot a series of tests using different lighting. There were five different effects we had to try to achieve. The five were intense and dramatic, light and fun, dynamic and colorful, anonymous / mysterious, and naturalistic. We were allowed to interpret these effects however we felt fit. Once we had the footage, we were directed to add text to the video describing the intended effect and how we achieved it.
My group included Elliot and Hillary. We were able to film in the main classroom and the room across the hall. We all talked over what we felt we could do to achieve these effects for the first few minutes. Once we got a general idea, we started filming the five effects. At first, we didn't use the black/white board to help with absorbing or reflecting the light. Due to this we decided to reshoot everything we had done without the board.
We all took turns filming and being the subject. We used our clothing to be the indicators of what scene we each would be the subject in. Hillary had on all white, so we felt light and fun and naturalistic were the two for her. I had on all black so we felt intense and dramatic and anonymous/mysterious would work well. For the last of the five, dynamic and colorful, Elliot took this role since he had on a blue shirt and orange crocs. For each of the shots we used the black/white board to help get to our desired effects.
Once we had filmed all of our scenes, we talked about how we were going to edit the clips together. At the beginning of the activity, we decided to strictly use Elliot's phone for the filming, so all the clips were in one place. Since we did it this way, he decided to use Instagram to edit the video. He placed them all together in one timeline and then added text describing the effect we were trying to achieve and what we did to get this effect.
The 5 Effects (how we achieved them)
Intense and dramatic: I stood in the corner of room LTL. We used the white side of the board first and then used the black side after on the right side of me.
Light and Fun: Hillary stood in the corner of room LTL in front of the big windows in the back. We used the black side of the board first and then used the white side after on the left side of her. We also tried to add the flashlight from our phones to add more light.
Dynamic and Colorful: Elliot stood next to the smartboard, which had an orange screen. The screen gave off orange light to add color to the shot. We used the white side of the board first and then used the black side after on his right.
Anonymous / Mysterious: I stood in the corner of the GREG lab since that room is very dark. We used the white side of the board first and then used the black side after placing it to my right.
Naturalistic: Hillary stood right next to the window in the GREG lab. We used the white side of the board first and then used the black side after on the right side of her. We also placed a flashlight in an upwards angle.
This activity allowed me to really understand the lecture from the beginning of the class. Lighting was never something I really considered to this extent before this class. The activity allowed me not only to learn more about these effects lighting can create, but actually try to achieve them myself.
I felt this activity went fairly well for our group. We were able to find locations we could shoot in. We also worked together as a group to delegate the workload. Our group also reshot multiple times to get the effect we really wanted. I liked that we took this step above to really understand how lighting can be used.
We did have a couple hiccups throughout this activity. The first one was us not using the black/white board at the beginning. We didn't realize we had that available. We had already shot a couple scenes and had to reshoot them with the board. It was interesting to see the big difference the board has on the lighting. We shot all the scenes using both sides of the board to see the difference it can make. To our surprise, it really does make the whole attitude and vibe of the scene change. Our other challenge was getting the final video file to each other. We tried posting it to social and then saving it but had a hard time saving it from Instagram. Instead, we emailed it to one another.
Overall, I felt this activity was fun and informative. We were able to create these five effects to the best of our abilities and expand upon what we learned in the first half of class. I am excited to incorporate these techniques into my future video projects. For my project 1 I want to try to use these lighting techniques for the shots I still have to film. Since I am filming mostly outside for the rest of the project, using the natural light will be prominent. I will have to make sure I have my subject placed correctly.
There are only a couple things I am looking for when it comes to feedback. The first being, if you feel we achieved these effects with our use of lighting. The second piece of feedback I am hoping for is if we used the black/white board effectively.
Vlog Progress Report / Reflection
Link to video:
For this vlog progress report and reflection, I wanted to script out what I could say during my video. Below is a general script outline I plan to use for my vlog. I included an introduction, the purpose of the project, how filming and editing went, the goods and the bads, feedback, a personal reflection, and where this project can go from here. I feel it gives a lot of insight into the progress I have made so far in my Project 1.
Script Outline:
For project 1 we are being tasked to create a life story of a product, person, place, process, or idea. There are many avenues we can take with the "life story". I chose to focus on the impact lacrosse has had on Landon Reyes. I feel it brings a personal story and a great interview opportunity for this project. I wanted to incorporate an underlying message; the teachings lacrosse brings to the players. With this story idea we are being tasked to create three separate videos, a 15 second teaser for social, a 45 second to 1 minute video and caption for social media, and a 2 to 3 minute video for a blog or website.
Summary of the Story
“Lando's Life of Lax” will be my title for my project. I wanted to focus this project on the impact and experiences lacrosse has brought to one of the Lasell men's lacrosse players. I chose to focus these videos on Landon Reyes, a graduate student on the lacrosse team. I wanted to include video clips of him playing lacrosse and his equipment. An interview was conducted with the main character and will possibly happen with others if I deem they fit into the story.
The purpose of this video will be to show others that lacrosse is more than just a sport. It teaches you keys to life throughout the journey of playing the sport.
The audience this is intended for are younger lacrosse players and parents. I would love this to grow the sport of lacrosse. Another audience may be people who have never been exposed to the sport. It is a growing sport, so getting as many new viewers will be beneficial.
When it came to the filming, there were ups and downs. When it came to the challenges, the main one was scheduling the time to film. My subject was sick for over two weeks and also sustained an injury in the last game he had. Due to this I do not have all the clips I hoped for yet. Even with this problem, I was able to grab footage of the interview, him playing wall ball, and the lockers with the equipment. With these clips I was able to get a rough feel of where I felt footage would go later on and just filled it with the clips I shot already. I also had a hard time filming at first without a tripod. After getting one I was able to have multiple angles and a steady shot.
The interview was the main focus of my filming for this rough cut. I wanted to make sure I had conducted the interview so I could work around it with my other footage. For the interview we filmed it in the lacrosse locker room. Due to the curves on the lockers, it created a really cool visual effect. The lighting was also perfect for the interview. It sort of has a spotlight on him. Lastly, the audio came back a lot better than I expected.
Since these videos were just the rough cut, I decided to use iMovie for the editing platform. My thought process is that if I edit it on iMovie, I can get a general outline and then transfer the footage into a different editing platform where I may have more editing tools. The editing itself went well. I was able to place the clips I had to make complete videos. I was able to find the places where different footage should be put and what types of footage I was missing in the videos. The music was also something I got to work with. I found a copyright free tune for all three of the videos and feel they work well with each one and give the vibe and energy I was hoping for.
So far, I think I am on the right path. I have a general idea of where I need to expand upon. I feel I need more footage of different activities. I also need to add my text throughout the video. That is a key focus I am going to have to work on. When it comes to the filming and editing, I am figuring out what is working and not working which is helpful. I have been fine tuning my video shooting and editing techniques.
Access is something I was worried about at the start of this project. So far it has gone good though. My subject is being very helpful and flexible with this whole process. I also haven't had a hard time accessing different locations or the equipment I have needed for the videos.
At this point in the project the feedback I am looking for is just general thoughts and ideas. I would love to know what you think about the different shot types I have used so far. The flow of the videos is also something I am hoping to get feedback on. Lastly, I would like to know if the narrative is present throughout the videos.
Peer Feedback
In class we conducted a peer review. My reviewer gave a lot of good insight into what is working well for my project. She helped answer specific items I was looking for feedback on. She liked the music and flow of the video. She also thought my shot types were well done. Something she mentioned that I could try to improve was the lingering of some of the b-roll shots. I also think I could try to narrow down the narrative a little to be more specific and easier to understand from Hanna’s feedback.
The Future of the Project
I am excited to continue working on this project for the next couple weeks. I want to focus on the rest of the video footage. Once Landon is healthy again, I want to shoot him doing footwear drills, shooting on the turf, and potentially him stringing a stick or putting on his equipment. For the editing, I am hoping to use Premiere Pro for the final edits. I may not be able to due to the limited access to the library in the upcoming week, but that is the goal platform. Within the editing I want to add more text and work on the audio, especially incorporating voiceover and natural sounds.
Activity: Spring Break Story
Owen K, Zane J, Cameron G
Overall Theme: The Escape from Campus
All three of us journeyed away from campus during the break. Although we all went to different places, we experienced the thrill of traveling to places out of the ordinary to our daily lives. Below is the outline of how we would tell this nonlinear narrative by alternating each of our point of views throughout our travels.
Owen: Full duffel bag of clothes, meds, and other important stuff
Zane: Tote bag with hydro flask, laptop and a change of clothes
Cameron: a reusable grocery bag of clothing, a box full of unneeded things from my room, school bag with computer and chargers
Travel experience (car,plane,uber,etc.)
Owen: 3 hour plane ride to and from Tampa
Zane: 20 minute drive
Cameron: 4 hour drive back to Maine in my Jeep
Where you ended up
Owen: Florida (Tampa, The Villages, Crystal River, St. Petersburg)
Zane: Roxbury/Boston
Cameron: Winslow, Maine (home)
What we did
Owen: Spent time with grandparents, went to multiple cities, went bowling, Gator Land, watched The Traitors, Survivor, and The Amazing Race
Zane: Spent time with girlfriend, went out to dinner in North End, celebrated St. Patrick’s Day, watched a movie, and enjoyed having the weekend off.
Cameron: Went and saw my family for a couple days, worked on my Jeep, and enjoyed my favorite hometown restaurant.
Our favorite part of our journeys
Owen: Going to St. Petersburg, an entirely new city that I have never explored.
Zane: Going out to a nice Italian dinner with my girlfriend in the North End on Saturday night and being in the city.
Cameron: Seeing my family. I have not seen them in over two months, so I was really excited just to be around them and catch up.
The end of the trips (when did you come back to reality (campus)
Owen: Yesterday afternoon
Zane: I came back to campus late Sunday night around 10:30 pm
Cameron: I came back to campus Sunday evening. It was a three and a half hour drive back from Maine.
Project 1 Final
Link to 15 Second Video: LANDO’S LIFE OF LAX (social media teaser) (youtube.com)
Link to 00:45-1:00 Minute Video: LANDO’S LIFE OF LAX (social media post) (youtube.com)
Link to 2:30-3:00 Minute Video: LANDO’S LIFE OF LAX (short doc) (youtube.com)
For project 1 we were tasked to create a life story of a product, person, place, process, or idea. There are many avenues we could have taken the "life story". I chose to focus on the impact lacrosse has had on Landon Reyes. I feel it brings a personal story and a great interview opportunity for this project. I wanted to incorporate an underlying message; the teachings lacrosse brings to the players. With this story idea we were tasked to create three separate videos, a 15 second teaser for social, a 45 second to 1 minute video and caption for social media, and a 2 to 3 minute video for a blog or website.
Summary of the Story
“Lando's Life of Lax” is the title for my project. I wanted to focus this project on the impact and experiences lacrosse has brought to one of the Lasell men's lacrosse players. I chose to focus these videos on Landon Reyes, a graduate student on the lacrosse team. I wanted to include video clips of him playing lacrosse and his equipment. An interview was conducted with the main character and will possibly happen with others if I deem they fit into the story.
The purpose of this video will be to show others that lacrosse is more than just a sport. It teaches you key life lessons throughout the journey of playing the sport.
The audience this is intended for are younger lacrosse players and parents. I would love this to grow the sport of lacrosse. Another audience may be people who have never been exposed to the sport. It is a growing sport, so getting as many new viewers will be beneficial.
When it came to the filming, there were ups and downs. When it came to the challenges, the main one was scheduling the time to film. My subject was sick for over two weeks and also sustained an injury in the last game he had. Due to this I do not have all the clips I hoped for yet. Even with this problem, I was able to grab footage of the interview, him playing wall ball, and the lockers with the equipment. With these clips I was able to get a rough feel of where I felt footage would go later on and just filled it with the clips I shot already. I also had a hard time filming at first without a tripod. After getting one I was able to have multiple angles and a steady shot.
I had to shoot both horizontally and vertically for the videos. Vertically was used for both the teaser and the social media post. I found that shooting vertically allowed for more of a POV shot. Horizontal filming was for the short documentary. I liked that I got to explore both ways of filming, since I am mostly used to vertical shooting.
For the back half of this project, I had many more ideas for footage. Sadly, I dealt with issues filming when it came to my subject’s schedule. Landon is now in season, so he was busy with practice, film, study hall, and games. He does not have much free time during the daylight. This made it a challenge to film those additional ideas I had. We also had spring break which made it hard since we both went home for a little while.
The interview was the main focus of my filming for this project. The interview is the key ingredient for these videos. For the interview we filmed it in the lacrosse locker room. Due to the curves on the lockers, it created a really cool visual effect. The lighting was also perfect I felt for the interview. It sort of has a spotlight on him. Lastly, the audio came back a lot better than I expected.
When it came to the editing I wanted to keep it clean and organized. I had a rough idea of what I wanted from my rough edit. I really just critiqued and cleaned up the editing. I wanted to use Premiere Pro but was unable to due to limited library time. Instead I decided to use iMovie. IMovie went really well. I was able to find what I thought were the perfect soundtracks for each video. Picking the music track was time consuming since I wanted them to match with each given video. Along with the music I wanted to have well done transitions. With iMovie there are limited options, but I made do with what I had. One of my favorite transitions was the fade transition. I used it in a way where the viewer was “blinking” before an interview question to give a clean transition to a new environment in the video. I also found myself using the dissolve transition. It was a more involved transition and added a new depth to the video.
Social Media Video Captions
I chose to write two captions for the caption for social. I did one from Lasell’s point of view and one from Landon’s point of view.
Lasell’s point of view:
Do you know about one of Lasell’s star lacrosse players…Landon Reyes? If not, now you do! Lacrosse has been a huge part of his life so far; will it be in the future?
Landon’s point of view:
Have you heard my college career is almost over? I hate to say it, but it is! Will my journey within the sport of lacrosse continue? We will have to see!
Overall, I felt these videos came out really well given the struggles I went through throughout this project. I would say filming was the toughest challenge I faced. Scheduling, weather, injuries, and more, negatively affected the filming process. In the future I think I would want to pre-schedule all of the shooting with my subject before we even start. This would allow us to have a clear idea and timeline for both of us.
The editing went really well, although it didn't go as planned. I worked around the issues that arose and found ways to add shots on actions, transitions, and music.
I feel that all the videos are constructed well when it comes to the story arc and flow needed for each. The teaser is short and ends with a cliffhanger. The documentary incorporates the full questions and answers, spread throughout to keep viewer attention. The social media video is shot from a more first person point of view and uses more non-interview clips to keep it fun to watch.
There are a couple things I am looking for when it comes to feedback. The first is the flow. I am hoping to hear back if the video matches the desired outcome for each. Do they all flow consistently? I am also looking for feedback regarding the video clips themselves. Are they shot well? Should I change my angles? Should I have added more clips?
The Future of the Project
Although I am “done” with the project, there is always more that could be done in the future. I feel the short documentary could be much longer and go deeper into Landon’s life of lacrosse if more time was allotted. I think I could add more interviews with his family or peers to add that depth to the story. I also could shoot more video clips of him in action whether that is in a game or practice. You can always add and do more, but I am very happy with the outcomes of my three videos.
Mapping In Class Activity
We were tasked to thing about three important locations in our story. After we had our three locations, we were asked to brainstorm three different ways we could tell our story in map form. Once we had our ideas, we discussed our stories and ideas with two peers in our class and gave feedback to one another. We then took time to tryout three mapping tools. We were tasked to try to map our ideas from the initial brainstorming using all three tools. Lastly, we had to write a blog reflection about our experience and how we will use these tools for out project 2 and embed our two maps into our blog.
Important Location Brainstorm
- Men’s lacrosse locker room
- Grellier Field
- Yamawaki Building
- Lasell University Library
How to tell the story through map form
Men's lacrosse locker room: Map out where he sits the most and gets ready.
Grellier Field: His walk out to the field. Where he takes most of his shots from. His favorite place to shoot from. Show where he gets passes from most often in another color. Add special dots that show specific shots from a game with the date and if he scored.
Yamawaki Building: Where his past classes are located mostly. Show where his designated seat was.
Library: Where he goes to study and do work the most. Show his favorite spot to get work done.
Group Feedback
Group Feedback: Cameron (me)
Is the narrative arc clear?
Is there another angle here?
I could take the angle of another player on the team. I could also take the angle of a parent, who travels with their son playing the sport of lacrosse everywhere and the costs associated with it. This idea could be done with an interview with Landon’s mother.
How might they broaden or deepen the story?
I could deepen the story by asking better and more meaningful questions when interviewing Landon again. I also could add more players' points of view on what they have learned through lacrosse. Focus more on the teachings of lacrosse and less of Landon specifically.
Who is the audience?
The audience is other lacrosse players and kids who want to get into the sport of lacrosse.
Who could the audiences be?
Someone who could be the audience is the parents and coaches of lacrosse players. These stories could show them how much they have impacted their players and children's lives.
What are some places that come to mind?
Some places that come to mind are Lasell University, Grellier Field, Yamawaki Building, Brennan Library, Landon’s home field, and the men's lacrosse locker room.
Similar stories/media that come to mind?
Similar stories that come to mind are Paul Rabil's, Mitchell Pelke’s, and Stelios Kroudus’s YouTube videos.
Group Feedback: Zane
Is the narrative arc clear?
Yes, the narrative is how his mother became alcohol free.
Is there another angle here?
Another angle he could take is the outside view. It could be his own, her friends, her husband, etc.
How might they broaden or deepen the story?
To broaden the story Zane could talk more about the hold alcohol has on the world.
Who is the audience?
The audience is people who were around his mother during this time and maybe others who have been through the same thing.
Who could the audiences be?
The audience could be people associated with alcohol issues.
What are some places that come to mind?
Some places that come to mind are his house, a liquor store, an alcohol help service, and her friends' homes.
Similar stories/media that come to mind?
Similar stories that come to mind are AA meetings we see in movies and television.
Group Feedback: Owen
Is the narrative arc clear?
Yes, the narrative shows his dad's work with the equipment that measures chemicals for safety reasons.
Is there another angle here?
He could take an angle from other employees of the company. He also could take an angle of the environmentally conscious bystander.
How might they broaden or deepen the story?
Talk about the environmental impact of these chemicals he works with.
Who is the audience?
The audience are people interested in learning about the equipment Owen’s father uses on a daily basis.
Who could the audiences be?
Environmentally conscious people could be the new audience.
What are some places that come to mind?
Some places that come to mind are the work building, his office/workspace, and where these chemicals may go.
Similar stories/media that come to mind?
Similar stories that come to my mind are the documentaries about chemical contamination of water sources from factories.
Using the map making tools (comparison and practice)
Knight Lab
Can be embedded into websites. I found that it was more confusing to me to use this website compared to Google My Maps. When it came to the pin points I liked that you can alter the image and make them your own. The preview was very detailed and professional. I think this platform is the most professional and clean looking out of all three.
Link to map: Lando's Life of Lax Practice (Editing) (knightlab.com)
Google Earth
You cannot embed. Very detailed drop points. I like that you can add varied pinpoint distances and personalize them. I was unable to get Google Earth to work for me. After multiple attempts the site just kept crashing and would not work. This was very frustrating and is pushing me to use a different mapping platform.
Google My Maps
I like the folder and layer options. This will be key for organization. You can embed if not private. Pretty basic compared to the other two websites. I found Google My Maps to be the easiest to use. Although it isn't as detailed as the other two, it may be a good option to use if I have other forms of media I can put with it.
Link to map: Lando's Life of Lax Practice (google.com)
Ideas that came about and what will I use for Project 2
I feel I was able to generate helpful ideas for my project 2. One idea I was able to generate was adding pinpoints around campus to show where Landon spends most of his time. This included adding points at Yamawaki, Grellier Field, and Brennan Library. I also was able to play around with editing the description, which will allow me to give the audience more context to what the mapping is trying to show.
After using the three mapping tools I think I am leaning towards using Knight Lab. I feel this way due to how professional and easy it is to use. I also like that you can embed it. I think there are two main ways I can incorporate these mapping tools. The first and more basic way is by using the pinpoints to show where most of his time is spent for lacrosse. This includes the library, the turf, the locker room, the bus, etc. The other idea I came up with and really want to expand upon was using the pinpoint feature to show where Landon takes most of his shots in games. I want to have points that just show his shots this season and then points that have specific descriptions of goals he has scored this season. This can include the field, the opponent, what the score changed to because of the goal, etc. I think I will only use the mapping tools to strengthen the story and not use them to tell the entire story.
I think I will embed the maps into the multimedia piece. I think it will give it a clean look and be more interactive for the audience.
Project 2 Pitch
Pitch Outline:
1 sentence summary
For project 2 I plan to continue my story telling about Landon’s lacrosse life. This time though I will be focusing more on this season and the sport of lacrosse. I want to show his skill, knowledge, his equipment, and love of the sport.
More detail:
What you’ll tell: I will tell you about Landon’s season this year and how he is doing it.
How you’ll tell it: I will tell it through interviews with Landon and teammates, b-roll of him playing, through the use of statistics, and more. I will also tell this story through mapping. I want to show his shot selection and goals scored using pinpoints.
Why this story?: I want to tell this story because of the success he is having this season. He has achieved over 100 career points. He has been the GNAC player of the week multiple times and has been a key part of the Lasers this season.

Influences and Inspiration (field scan/mood board)
When it comes to influences, the first that came to mind was SportsCenter. I used to watch their show everyday and they would highlight certain players that are excelling in their sport. Another influence I found myself looking to was the PLL or Premier Lacrosse League. They post social content and videos showing specific players who achieved specific goals during a recent game or season.

Purpose & Audience
The purpose of this project piece is to highlight Landon’s success this season. He has worked so hard and deserves for it to be shown off. This will give him an amazing piece to use when looking for careers related to lacrosse in his future.
When it comes to the audience, there are two that come to mind. The first one is anyone who knows Landon. The second audience is anyone interested in getting better at the sport of lacrosse. This will be a great way to see what work is done to be successful in this sport.
Dramatic Question & Story Structure
For this story I feel I could take the dramatic question a couple ways. I feel knowing how he is excelling this season is a great question. It could be, “What have you done this season to bring success on the field for yourself and the team?”. I could also go about asking what he feels about himself this season. The question could be phrased, “So far this season how do you feel you are playing and contributing?”. Depending on his answer this could bring a lot of emotion and thought to the story.
The story structure will be less formal than most stories. I want to focus on certain components of his success this season. For example, I want to have a section about his stick, his techniques/skills, his feelings on the field, his shot style, his pre-game or day of game, and more.
Examples of content or inspiration (preliminary field scan)
Shot charts were a piece of inspiration when it came to mapping for this project.

Content that came to mind when it comes to highlighting a collegiate player’s season are YouTubers such as Stelios Kroudis and Mitchell Pelhke. Both of these content creators use interviews, b-roll, and have a focus on the sport of lacrosse. A video that comes to mind by Stelious are his team travel vlogs. He does the gameday vlogs following the team. He incorporates small interviews/questions with various players and the journey leading up to and after their game. Although he focuses on the whole team the structure of his videos is something I think I can look at. An example of this structure can be seen in most of his videos, here is one from a couple years ago, D1 LACROSSE GAME DAY | Villanova vs. Marquette (youtube.com). Mitchell Pelhke uses an interview style I think will be shown in my media piece. He sits down with coaches and players and asks them questions, like I will do with Landon. A great example of this interview style can be seen in this video by him, Johns Hopkins Lacrosse | Chasing Championship Weekend (youtube.com).
Do you need video from a specific location?
I will need video from a few specific locations. The main location will be the Men’s lacrosse locker room. This will be where a second interview will be held. I will also need this location to show off his equipment. Another location is Grellier Field. This will be a key part of the story since this is Landon’s home turf. A third location I may try to incorporate is Lax Unlimited, the store where Landon buys all his gear needed for his sticks.
Who will you interview? When will you contact them? Where will you stage your interview?
I plan to interview multiple people. I plan to reshoot an interview with Landon, rephrasing and adding more questions. I have already spoken with him and got the confirmation for this project and interview. I also want to reachout to fellow members of the men’s lacrosse team Pat Mulhurn and Anthony DeRosa. Pat is another attackman that Landon interacts with constantly on the field. Anthony is someone he has played with the last few years and is currently a captain of the team. I hope to speak with them both over the weekend and have interviews filmed by April 9th. I think the best two options for interview locations will be the locker room and the turf. Both options allow the viewer to know what sport I am highlighting. My only worry about the turf is noise since it is outside.
What skills have I learned so far? What skills do I want to learn or develop? How will I use these skills in project 2?
So far, I have learned many skills. Some of the most important are filming techniques, how to set up a story, script writing, and more. Some skills I would love to develop are my use of lighting, use of microphone, and variety in media choices. I will use all of these skills in project 2. I will need video, sound, photos, copy, and more to complete a multimedia piece for project 2. All these skills will be used for different sections in my story.
Project 2 Rough Draft
Link to Project: How to Be Successful in The Sport of Lacrosse (webadorsite.com)
In class we were separated into groups of three. In our groups we were instructed to share our project drafts with each other to give feedback. We looked over each member's project alone and filled out our feedback template. Once we were all done looking over each other's projects we came together as a group and shared our feedback for each other.
My Received Feedback
I was looking for a few items to receive feedback on.
- Does it flow well?
- Should I make it into a scrolling telling or keep it on separate pages?
- Is the page setup okay?
- Are my 3 forms of media well executed so far?
Classmate Feedback
After speaking with my group, I was able to get detailed feedback on my project draft. The separate pages were something they felt I should keep and expand upon. They felt it would be cool in a scollytelling format but not necessarily needed. I feel I will use this feedback and keep my pages separate and add a home/introduction page. My group also liked my map. They felt it was well done but could use more color or different icons. I will use this feedback and try to alter my icons or the color of the pinpoints. I am worried this may cause it to be less cohesive and maybe distracting from the original purpose of the map. My group members also felt strongly about my theme. They liked the turf in the background and the overall layout of everything.
Professor Feedback
I also spoke with my professor and received feedback as well. The first item we talked about was my photo gallery. They suggested adding captions to all of the photos to explain them. I plan to add these descriptions if I have the time. We then spoke about my interview video. They suggested obtaining or taking more b-roll film to add to the video, so it doesn't get boring and repetitive. I am planning to reach out to the athletic department for the game footage or use my own tripod and film an upcoming practice to get the footage needed. Lastly, we spoke about my map. They suggested changing the pinpoints to icons. I feel since everyone I talked to mentioned changing the pinpoints I will explore that idea and see what I can do. We also talked about making this project more of a profile instead of a scrollytelling piece. For this new idea I will add the profile/introduction page and review/compare my copy so far with the style profiling uses.
To Do List
Overall, I received a lot of well needed feedback that I plan to address in the days coming up to really make my project standout. The main items I need to complete is filming my interviews, editing both the interview video and the gear bag video, adding images to my timelines, adding captions to my photo gallery, adding an introduction/profile page, and altering my pinpoints on my map.
My Feedback to My Peers
Kayla Popovich
What did you like?
I love the scrollytelling aspect of the project. It looks very clean and well executed. I also liked how there was a section about the artists, including CTA buttons to their LinkedIn.
What’s the narrative?
The narrative seems to be explaining the history and bringing awareness to the cabaret and the drama club.
What's working about the story?
By having the past with the future within the story it is informational in many ways.
What are the technical merits?
- Sound: There doesn't seem to be any sound at the moment. Do you plan to incorporate it?
- Video: There doesn't seem to be any sound at the moment. Do you plan to incorporate it?
- Interactivity: I liked how there were CTA buttons within the story. I also thought the “subscribe to our newsletter” was a nice touch.
- Structure: The structure is well done. I think it is working so far.
What needs improvement?
I feel the only thing that needs improvement is finishing up the interviews and types of media.
How is the flow, pacing, and transitions?
So far, the flow of the page/story is very clean. The transitions are well executed.
Who is the audience?
I feel like this story is intended for the lovers of the theater.
Are there 3 interviews and 3 types of media? How are they working together?
As of now there are not 3 interviews or 3 types of media. After speaking with you though, I feel once you get the timeline, map, and interviews complete they will all work really well together to give a clear history of the cabaret.
- Keep the CTA buttons when you do the interviews.
- Maybe add photos from the show you worked on throughout the story.
- Incorporate a short video if possible.
What other stories or work does the project remind you of?
This project draft reminded me of the examples we explored in class. Especially the story about the changes in the seasons.
Camdyn Ames
What did you like?
I like the path you are taking in this story. There are many ideas and avenues you can take to make this story great.
What’s the narrative?
The narrative is telling about the Lasell University men’s baseball past, and I assume it will lead into their current 2024 season.
What's working about the story?
So far, I think the way you are starting with the 2023 season first is a great start.
What are the technical merits?
- Sound: None at the moment.
- Video: None at the moment.
- Interactivity: The image and text slides into their sections.
- Structure: Does not really have a structure quite yet.
What needs improvement?
I feel you have a great idea for your story. You just need to execute your ideas.
How is the flow, pacing, and transitions?
At the moment there isn't much flow, pacing, and transitions.
Who is the audience?
The audience are fans of the Lasell Men’s Baseball team.
Are there 3 interviews and 3 types of media? How are they working together?
As of now there are not 3 interviews or 3 types of media. There is one image as of now. Adding more images or videos could help the story work together.
I would suggest really focusing on the 3 different forms of media at the moment and find the layout you want to keep expanding upon.
What other stories or work does the project remind you of?
The project draft reminds me of a story you would see in the school paper or on our athletics page.
Project 2
Link to Project: How to Be Successful in The Sport of Lacrosse (webadorsite.com)
For project 2 we were tasked to showcase our digital storytelling skills by creating a multimedia or episodic digital story. We were required to conduct 3 interviews as well as use 3 types of media forms. There were many avenues we could've taken for this project. Over the course of this class, we have been introduced to many forms of media such as video, audio, timelines, mapping, photography, and many more. We were directed to explore these media forms more in depth for this project.
Summary of the Story
For this project I wanted to expand upon my project 1. I wanted to focus on Landon Reyes again. This time though I created a profile to show what he does to be successful in the sport of lacrosse. The title I went with was "How to Be Successful in The Sport of Lacrosse Profiling Landon Reyes". I wanted to highlight specific aspects of his life that allow him to have success in the sport. This included his routine, his equipment, and his teammates. When it came to the teammate section of the story I wanted to focus on the trust and bond he has with his teammates. For the equipment I wanted to showcase his gear bag and his stick setups. Lastly, for his routine I wanted to show what a home and away game day looks like for Landon.
The purpose of this profile project was to show younger lacrosse players evidence of what is working and leading to success at the collegiate level of lacrosse through one of Lasell's greatest lacrosse players. I wanted to give an in depth look at what players should expect when deciding if college lacrosse is for them.
The audience this is intended for are the younger generation of lacrosse players. Another audience I feel this adheres to is current college lacrosse players.
Forms of Media
There were four main forms of media I used for this project.
My favorite of the four was my map. At first, I didn't know how exactly I was going to go about a map for this project. After some time, I decided to make a map showing Landon's shot selection when on his home turf of Grellier Field. In order to do so I had to watch the recorded games and pick out his shots/goals. I was able to create a map on Google My Maps that allowed me to put pinpoints directly on the field. Ultimately, I put a total of 16 pinpoints on the map. After multiple tries altering the pinpoint design, I was able to use vectors of the school's logo or mascot for the team Landon scored against. I am super happy with how they came out. Along with the pinpoints I added a brief explanation of how the goal came to be and where it put the Lasers score during the game.
I also used photography as a form of media. In general, all the photos on all the pages were taken by me but I also included a photo gallery section. For the photo gallery I took photos throughout the process of this project and selected 12 that I felt showed his leadership, his hard work, and his equipment. Along with the images I wrote a caption explaining and dating each image. I organized them in two columns for ease of viewing and to preserve the quality of the images.
Timelines were also a key form of media for my project. I chose to explain Landon's game day routines through them. I used Genially for them. I decided to do both a home game day routine timeline and an away game day routine timeline. I thought having both would show how much more time and energy consuming an away day game is, which can give the home team an advantage. For both of the timeline I used the same general format. I interviewed Landon to get his play by play of game days. Once I had his interview done, I was able to organize each component into their own spot on the timeline. I then wrote a small caption explaining what this part of his day entailed along with the time. I lastly took photos specifically for each tab on the timeline to add more visuals to the timeline and not just copy. When it came to the creative part of the timelines, I added transitions for the text and the markers. I also made the marker line Lasell colors.
Video was a large portion of my profile. I used video in multiple parts of my profile. The main spot you will find video is the equipment section. In this section I created a social media formatted video of Landon stringing his new lacrosse head. You will also see a more YouTube style of video of his gear bag for this year going through all his current equipment. Both of these videos came out really well but took a lot of time to put together. I also used video for all of my interviews. I decided after some feedback to focus my interviews on the trust and bond Landon's teammates have formed with him. I interviewed three of his current teammates, Anthony DeRosa, Patrick Mulhern, and Colin LeBaron. The background was something I wanted to change for each, so I filmed in a classroom, the locker room, and a study room. The editing process for this video was much longer than the others but I feel it came out great.
Filming was a main component of this project. I used video in three separate places. When it came to the format, they were all stand still with a tripod. I wanted to focus on the quality and clarity of the videos. I filmed both vertically and horizontally depending on the video I was shooting for. Unlike previous videos I really inserted myself and led my subject, which allowed for my vision to come to life, especially for the gear bag video. I gave my subjects an outfit guide as well as adjusted their garments when filming this project unlike my previous work.
Lighting was the main problem for my videos. In the locker room I had to find the perfect spot where the lighting was sort of like a spotlight. For the other two interview videos I had to use the natural light from outside and place my subject in places where the light highlighted them and not shadowed them. I was able to set Patrick up in a way that a whiteboard was reflecting light onto his face.
When it came to my equipment when filming I kept it simple. I used a four-foot tripod, my iPhone 14 Pro Max, and used natural lighting. I thought about using the filming kits available in the library but was worried about damaging them in the filming process due to location.
For the editing I kept it simple. I primarily used iMovie for all of my videos. It was an editing software that I had access to on my phone and experience with. I wish I would have used Premiere for my interview video though. I was able to add music as well as use natural sound throughout my videos. Speeding up certain clips was also something I did for multiple videos.
I also did a lot of editing on my actual project webpage. I decided to make a website for the profile on Webador. I spent a lot of my time formatting and editing how I wanted the website to look. I ended up making separate pages for each topic. I also added copy to each page where applicable which also took me extra time to edit. I also added different header images for each page and added a footer with my name and the title of my website.
Overall, I am really happy with how my project 2 came out. Although it took me endless hours to complete, I am proud of the finished project. I ran into my issues such as sickness, schedule differences, equipment issues, changes in ideas, etc. but was able to overcome them. This has been one of the hardest, yet most rewarding projects I have done so far here at Lasell. I loved how open and free it was. I could focus on a topic I loved as well as explore my own technology that I used for the project. I also enjoyed the feedback classes. It always opened my eyes to new items I could add or change. Seeing other peer's ideas and use of media forms was amazing. Ultimately, I felt this project has broadened my digital storytelling skills tremendously.
There are a couple things I am looking for when it comes to feedback. The main item I am looking for feedback on is my page setups. Was there too much copy? Were the webpage and individual pages hard to navigate? Was the overall layout aesthetically pleasing? I also was hoping to know how you felt about the videos. Did they add to the profile? Were they informational enough? Was the lighting good?
The Future of the Project
Although I am done with project 2, I feel there are a couple avenues I could continue to take this project. The shot selection tab is a place where I think a video following Landon on Grellier Field as he explains his shot spots on the field would be a great addition. I also think for the teammate tab I could do a short social media type video asking a single question to all his teammates and having a response from the whole team. Lastly, in general I think I could always add another tab such as diet or his workouts.
Create Your Own Website With Webador